CONGRATULATIONS to all the artists and supporting patrons - together we raised $11,003.39!

THIRST 2021: Artists for Humanitarian Aid has uplifted artists and we stand in solidarity with @nomoredeaths_nomasmuertes and @casaalitastucson and all the phenomenal work they do in our AZ-Sonora borderlands.

This is a project that has been filled with heart, collaboration and immense generosity - activism through art is a beautiful thing. Collaboration is sacred and community is powerful.

Immense gratitude to all the artists who poured such generosity and love into this project.

“If you live in a place where people are dying by the dozens every year around you, how could you not respond?”

— Dr. Scott Warren


THIRST 2021 is a national collection of artists joining together to raise funds for humanitarian aid at the Arizona-Sonora Border through art and conversation.


The mission fueling THIRST 2021 is two fold:

  1. Raise funds to support Tucson-based frontline organizations supplying humanitarian aid in the desert.

  2. Raise awareness of the ongoing human rights abuses occurring at the Mexican-American border, including destruction of humanitarian aid, border detention conditions, Title 42, and the ongoing ramifications of Family Separation Policies.

Proceeds will be presented to No More Deaths / No Más Muertes and Casa Alitas to support their humanitarian efforts.

Humanitarian Aid is Never a Crime

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Ayuda Humanitaria Nunca Es Un Delito



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THIRST 2021 is proud to support these Non-Profits doing incredible humanitarian aid work at the AZ-Sonora Border:


Casa Alitas

About: The Casa Alitas Program serves migrant families who have left their home countries to escape violence and poverty. Casa Alitas provide care, short-term shelter and helps reunite migrants with family members in the U.S. Most migrants arriving in our community are parents, children, and pregnant women from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. Casa Alitas provides a respite: a safe place to rest, rehydrate, eat, and care for their children, in addition to providing a change of clothes, hygiene items, and a chance to wash up.

Learn more on the CASA ALITAS website and Facebook account

No More Deaths / No Más Muertes

No More Deaths is a humanitarian organization based in southern Arizona and is dedicated to ending death and suffering in the Mexico–US borderlands through civil initiative: people of conscience working openly and in community to uphold fundamental human rights. Their work focuses on the following themes: Direct aid that extends the right to provide humanitarian assistance, witnessing and responding. consciousness raising, global movement building and encouraging humane immigration policies.

Learn more on the No More Deaths / No Más Muertes website

“Through every march, boycott and strike in modern history, artists have served a critical narrative function: they illustrate the demand for reform through the coalition of color, font and form. Art can visually define a movement, smash precedent and bring about real systemic change. Artists are powerful.”

— Cassandra Kehoe, THIRST 2021 Organizer

Produced by Emmanuel Lubezki, highlighting volunteers from No More Deaths who leave jugs of water in the Sonoran Desert. The humanitarian group’s intention is to prevent suffering and death of migrants on the US-Mexico border. Shared with permission from No More Deaths / No Más Muertes


Disappeared: How US Border-Enforcement Agencies are Fueling a Missing-Persons Crisis

The following information is a compilation of information from La Coalicion de Derechos Humanos and No More Deaths.

The Disappeared report series is collaborative project between La Coalicion de Derechos Humanos and No More Deaths. Their research goals are transformative: to expose and combat those US government policing tactics that cause the crisis of death and mass disappearance in the borderlands.

Introduction: A Crisis of Disappearance

Part 1: Deadly Apprehension Methods

Part 2: Interference with Humanitarian Aid

Part 3: Left to Die: Border Patrol, Search and Rescue, and the Crisis of Disappearance

Lady Liberty

Art as Political Commentary is Powerful.

My why behind this project is simple.

What is happening at our borders is deeply unconscionable. As an artist, attorney, human and proud daughter of an immigrant, I want to make a difference and support humanitarian aid efforts in my own humble way. Quiero que me acompañes. And I want you to join me.

I want to come together as artists and humans and put forth hope, love and compassion into the world and illuminate human abuses and the crisis taking place at our border.

Art transcends language and appeals to our shared humanity: our common need for shelter, food, water and to live absent fear of persecution or certain death.

If you’re an artist, I hope you’ll join me.

If you care about human rights, equity and decency, I hope you’ll join me.

Together, we can create a mighty clang that reverberates off the black walls that separate us.

Together, through art, we stir the awakening of conscious.
